All Homework Must be Uploaded to it own GitHub repository. You will copy the URL Link for your GitHub Repository and Submit that link for each of your homework assignments
Retrieve a list of Pokemon’s name, abilities, types, and weight from the PokeAPI
Make 20 Pokemon
Whenever you need to create a POKEMON, you need to construct your Pokemon through data from the API:
Below is an example of how your Pokemon should be categorized: by Type.
Create a dictionary
'Fire': {
'charizard': {
'abilities': [],
'weight': ,
'pokemon': {
'abilities': [],
'weight': ,
Remember, it may be easier to write functions to do your dirty work, and then call them to execute each topic, rather than trying to write a monstrous spaghetti-script that does it all at once; it also might be very good to plan how you’ll go about this and what functions you might use before you write 500 lines of code that confuse and befuddle all who lay eyes upon it. Including yourself. An immense portion of good coding is just planning.
When you’re done, create a GitHub repository for your assignment and save the repository link as the assignment.