All Homework Must be Uploaded to it own GitHub repository. You will copy the URL Link for your GitHub Repository and Submit that link for each of your homework assignments
For this project, you will analyze a data set from Kaggle (see link). The Kaggle project is asking for us to do machine learning, but we’re just going to use our brains to draw conclusions from the data set. This is a larger data set than previous examples, similar to the Social Media Stocks data, so keep that in mind. Additionally, it is very hard to quantify what a ‘good’ project looks like here, so I will primarily be grading based on whether or not you have given the assignment an honest attempt and produced analysis. I will be looking for evidence of ‘digging in’ to the data, and a presentation of the data. To that end, two files will be submitted: One, an R notebook with all your inspection; please do not delete queries of the data unless you have misspelled them. I want to see your work, even if you ended up going in a different direction than you originally planned. And then I would like to see a file that includes some presentation – some graphs, maybe a paragraph-long writeup of what you discovered in tandem with the graphs, or a short (3-5 minute) video of you presenting your findings. Be creative! We’ve seen what data analysis looks like for some time now; now it is your chance to turn and show your skills.
Attached is the entire R project and files for working through the R module. There are also a few extra CSVs and Excel sheets that you might enjoy parsing; some will be used for assignments and walkthroughs.
Click to Download femaleMiceWeights.csv
Click to Download Nugget_Crawl-2.xlsx
Click to Download social_media_stocks_2012-2022.csv
Note: You can right click images and press ‘save image as’ to save the image to your computer.
Spaceship Titanic Dataset