All Homework Must be Uploaded to it own GitHub repository. You will copy the URL Link for your GitHub Repository and Submit that link for each of your homework assignments
The following design has been given to you to develop a featured shows page for the Griot theatre company. They are expecting the site to be built using modern CSS3 principles (Proper use of the Box Model, Selectors, Positions, Flexbox, and Css Grid) or Bootstrap.
The company has provided the following assets for the project that are linked below.
In order for the company to accept the project, the work done must be sent to GitHub and the GitHub link will be submitted to this assignment.
Text for Show List:
A Raisin In The Sun
April 6, 2020 – March 20, 2020
Griot Theatre 233 State St Chicago,IL
Google Font For Project:
Note: The mock up should be used as a baseline for the project, however, you can add your own creative taste to the project as well; your mockup should have the same main components (navbar, main image, flyer tiles, and footer), but if it looks a little different or gets styled in your own way, that’s fine too.
Extra videos are totally optional.
Note: You can right click images and press ‘save image as’ to save the image to your computer.
Playgrounds for Bootstrap columns, media queries, and grid. Feel free to change the code – it will go back to how I made it when you refresh.
Also, links for extra games/practice for Flexbox (Flexbox Froggy), and a cheat sheet for flexbox that I am sure will prove helpful. If you feel you have a good grip on flexbox, bootstrap containers and columns, and css-grid, feel free to move on.
Zen garden is useful for ideas for web layouts in the future; I also use and look at web designs on Figma for inspiration.
Bootstrap cheat sheet is best used with the inspector tool, so you can see what classes are being applied to each element.