All Homework Must be Uploaded to it own GitHub repository. You will copy the URL Link for your GitHub Repository and Submit that link for each of your homework assignments
After completing Section One of the JavaScript lectures…
Using JavaScript, please access and clone/fork the GitHub repo[see materials section]. Answer the questions for JS 1-1.
It is also time to begin doing CodeWars with JavaScript! Remember, by the end of the course you should have a score of at least 400 points. There will be a video detailing how to get on to CodeWars and get going with that.
* Note: Don’t forget to create an index.html and link the file to it in order to see your results, similar to what we did in class.
Please read chapters 1-4 of Eloquent JavaScript (attached). You don’t have to read with incredible detail, but this book is very very good. I believe people learn things best when they hear it explained multiple ways, so we are using this book as an add-on to the lectures. There are also employers who I have seen ask if applicants have read Eloquent JavaScript as a prerequisite for mid- and senior- level roles. It is not to replace the lectures, but to bolster what has been taught already.
When completed, place your file inside of “JS-day1-HW”, commit the finished code to GitHub and submit the link to the assignments link.