WebApps: Advanced Python Project

All Homework Must be Uploaded to it own GitHub repository. You will copy the URL Link for your GitHub Repository and Submit that link for each of your homework assignments

Project ROI Calculator:

We will continue practicing Object Oriented Programming in this assignment to become more fluent in Python. 

Here we assume that we have a client coming to us asking for an automated Rental Property Calculator. Our client’s name is Brandon from a company called “Bigger Pockets”. Below, you will find a video of what Brandon usually does to calculate his Rental Property ROI.

Using Visual Studio Code/Jupyter Notebook, and Object Oriented Programming create a program that will calculate the Return on Investment(ROI) for a rental property.

This project will be completed individually, though you can feel free to share ideas with your fellow students.

Note: Watch the video in the Materials section for more information on calculating ROI

Once completed, commit the project to github and submit the link to this assignment.

Curated Video Help:

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