All Homework Must be Uploaded to it own GitHub repository. You will copy the URL Link for your GitHub Repository and Submit that link for each of your homework assignments
These assignments will be set up in parts for a Car Inventory API. Using these steps should help with structured practice for making your own Flask app. You’ll be making a Car inventory – ultimately, it should be able to display data about cars in Insomnia. You’ll eventually make authentication and API routes as well, but this part of the document will be graded only on the site folder. You can also do the whole project and then submit that as a whole after you’re all the way done, since these assignments don’t strictly adhere to the same order we made our phonebook apps in.
Using the steps we covered in class, create the following pages for your Car collection API.
You will need to create the following files/folders:
Virtual Environment
Main Package Folder (eg phonebook)
At min 2 blueprint folders with
– templates_folder (ie auth_templates)
– static
– main_templates_folder (ie templates)
You will also need to create the flask environment variables we mentioned at the start of class today. You can find instructions on that inside of the reference repo
NOTE/HINT: It may be a good idea to create a .gitignore file and place your Virtual Environment inside of that along with .vscode and __pycache__ folders. A sample is linked below. If you’re on a Mac, add the .DS_Store file as well.
Feel free to style your landing page in whatever suits your personal style. However, you may use our class project as a model/reference if you would like to.
Once completed, commit your code to GitHub and upload the link to this assignment.
SVG Images:
Sample Landing Page:
Sample Landing Page: