WebApps: Flask HW #3 – Create Authentication for Email/Password – CRUD API Operations

All Homework Must be Uploaded to it own GitHub repository. You will copy the URL Link for your GitHub Repository and Submit that link for each of your homework assignments

Homework #3 Create Authentication for Email/Password – CRUD API Operations:

Inside of your car collection api project that you have been working in this week, you will now need to create login functionality with Flask Login.

You will need the following packages for the project:
flask-login (Flask-Login==0.5.0) – pip install Flask-Login
secrets (import secrets)
flask-marshmallow (flask-marshmallow==0.14.0) – pip install flask-marshmallow

By the end of tonight’s homework, you should be able to log in and log out via email/password and create CRUD API routes.

While logged in, you should also be able to access your profile page (this should be a protected route, only available for authed users)

Once your are able to login and access your token, you should then be able to create your CRUD operations
RETRIEVE – Cars/Car (get all and single drone(s))

Also, you will need to create at least one car ????(possibly two if you are using numeric as a datatype for your Car model) to verify that your API route has a token passed to it.

Once completed, please send the updated code to your project’s repository. Then submit the link 

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Phonebook Github Repo

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